Yogamat316 - I know right? I get so obsessive. It might be best to back off a bit. I'm just all into trying to do this the most efficient way possible. ndj1979 - I'm shooting for around 1300 calories a day, but to be honest, I have trouble sticking to my macros and still eating enough calories. I often come in under.…
Thank you for posting your plan and philosophy Melissa. We have a great deal in common! You are an inspiration! I will definately be focusing on the "P's." What a wonderful way to keep everything in perspective and stay on track!
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I will obsess over everything. And I feel like I HAVE too in order to lose weight. The intensity is too much and I end up caving. I wish I had more advice for you, but all I can say is i'm in the same boat and I think you're gorgeous just the way you are!
Thank you all so much for the tips and the support. That's one of that things I love about this website... the community. I need all the positivity I can get. I do log EVERYTHING that I eat for the same reason that you all are suggesting. Seeing the absurd amount of calories or sugar or fat in that BBQ sandwich is always a…
You are the sweetest! Thank you!
Ha. Good point. I didn't realize how contradictory those statements were. I guess I should add that although I CAN workout at a very intense rate... If something comes up and I have to skip a day I'm out of the routine and it may be weeks before I jump back in. I constantly feel like I'm one cheese burger away from…
Absolutely amazing weight loss! You look wonderful and you are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing. I wish you tons of luck. I know how tough this is.
Focused! - - Amazing weight loss story. What an inspiration!
Muffintop - I give you a 10 because you're adorable!
Navydiver - I give you an 8 because I dig your dream! Good luck with the weight loss. You are doing an excellent job! I hope you can make your dreams come true.
George - 9.5 Very handsome!
Sreed016 - I actually think you look a lot better at your current weight.
I prefer the fellas, but if I were into women... sure :)