

  • What a brilliant idea. Fresh baked cookies when you want them without the temptation of having a tin full in the kitchen. I like it:-)
  • I didn't just wake up fat, I went to bed fat too! lol I did this for the last goodness knows how many years but no more. I'm the biggest now that I'll ever be again because this time I'm going to do it, finally and for good. I'm going to throw out clothes as soon as they start getting baggy because I'll never 'grow' back…
  • I used to think the same thing but when I said this to a friend once a few years ago she said, "Emma, it's taken you 39 years to get to the weight you are, it's not going to take you anywhere near that long to loose it all." Reading your post reminded me of this and has given me the boost I needed. We're all here for the…