This is such a good idea! My friend recommended this to me too. Im starting with a treat meal once a week, then reducing it down to once every two weeks and hopefully once a month! It really helps when those cravings kick in. everything is good in moderation!
Hey, I've been here quite and come back again! My uni course is all about fitness/nutrition so thought i better start to practice what i preach! Being friends with people on here is so motivating! xx
cutting calories isnt a great thing to do. my diet and nutrition lecturer always says to us.. never count calories. Just eat regular and in balance. cut the crap snacks for nuts/fruit and exercise as much as you can! everyone has a weight that is healthy for their body type/shape.
So, i know i only study fitness and personal training at uni, but i do diet and nutrition... my lecturer is a complete health freak and the advice she gives us all day everyday is.... DONT COUNT CALORIES
Honestly, does it really matter what they affect? (not meaning to sound harsh there at all btw) I used to have an ed and obsessed over both of these constantly. The key to fit and healthy is regular meals with a healthy balance. Cut out the crap and replace it for good! Exercise, exercise and more exercise! :D