jane_76 Member


  • Awesome. Thanks to both! Here goes... :)
  • Hi there, I'm just starting the T25 alpha workout too. Did you want to support each other along the way? Thanks! Jen
    in Shaun T 25 Comment by jane_76 May 2014
  • Thanks again for taking the time to pass along some precautions. Rest assured, I'm already a pretty active individual, and I've completed a sprint tri in the past. I will be doing this responsibly - with a personal trainer, nutritionist, and naturopath - while following a very reasonable 12-week training plan. I'm already…
  • Hi Summer... 1 lb per week is pretty perfect, not slow at all. I'm looking at averaging 2 lbs per week because I plan to work out a whole lot in preparation for the tri along with fine-tuning my eating... here's to us reaching our goals! :)
  • We have very similar goals and perspectives, Louise. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you! As for the triathlon, I promise you that it sounds way more intimidating than it actually is. That being said, when I cross that finish line, it will be a huge accomplishment for sure! :)
  • Glad to have you as a MFP friend, sofielein... :) I agree entirely, wolfman. I only used that as a way to find people who have similar weight loss goals. My goal works out to about 2 lbs per week, and I realize that's pretty lofty given that when I lost 70 lbs a couple of years ago, it was more like 1 lb per week. I did an…
  • Sofielein, congrats on your success to date... that's awesome! Weatherlady, I'm no expert, but I would say it's best to adjust your goal... and congrats to you on your weight loss to date! Kwimpress, it looks like we're on the same path... :)
  • I did a tri about eight years ago (at one of my heaviest weights) and loved it! I feel like I have exercise ADD, so breaking a fitness event into three manageable parts is my kind of goal. If it interests you, you should give it a go! It does sound as though we have similar weight loss goals, so let's add one another... :)