Anyone else looking to lose 50 lbs in 6 months?

Hi there,

New MFP member here looking to give and receive support in reaching a 50 lb weight loss goal by August. I will be doing a sprint triathlon mid-August, and I plan on it being my reward for lots of hard work and discipline between now and then. Would love to work alongside others with similar weight loss / fitness goals...

Best of luck to everyone on their journeys to better health!


  • rossk19
    I'm hoping to lose 40 lbs over the next 4/5 months and get down to a healthy weight, but I don't think I'm as brave as you doing a triathlon!
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I am trying to go from 175 to 120. Started mid-December, got almost half. I would like to be aroundish 120 in June.

    Don't ask why in June - maybe the nicest month of the year to me :)
  • weatherlady
    I started about a month ago at 165, I'm down to 158, and I wanted to get down to 130 by March 19th, but I'm not sure I can lose that much weight in a month.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    I did a tri about eight years ago (at one of my heaviest weights) and loved it! I feel like I have exercise ADD, so breaking a fitness event into three manageable parts is my kind of goal. If it interests you, you should give it a go!

    It does sound as though we have similar weight loss goals, so let's add one another... :)
  • kwimpress
    That's my aim, big wedding coming up and for once I want to look good and make everyone proud. mostly I want to shop til I drop. Also have planned a 10km run, in the run up to it. A huge thing for me as im not a runner in the slightest
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    Sofielein, congrats on your success to date... that's awesome! Weatherlady, I'm no expert, but I would say it's best to adjust your goal... and congrats to you on your weight loss to date! Kwimpress, it looks like we're on the same path... :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Good job everyone...I just wanted to give you a little caution. It's great to have goals and even set time frames, but don't dwell on those time frames. In my experience here, this has been one of the biggest frustrations for a lot of people...they set a weekly weight loss goal and think they'll get there in xxx months. Doesn't really work that way....for one thing, weight loss isn't linear...this is something you absolutely need to understand. You will have weeks that you don't lose, or you don't lose as much as your intended goal...even some weeks where you actually gain (not really fat, just water/waste, etc). You're also likely to hit plateaus along the's normal and happens to everyone. These can last a couple of weeks and it is often recommended to eat back to maintenance level of calories or close to it for a week or two to spike your metabolism so you can break the you can see, it's pretty easy right there to lose a month of weight loss when you need to wait a couple weeks to see if you're in a plateau...then a week or two to fix it.

    I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but I do want everyone to have realistic expectations. Even if you're not at goal in 6 months or whatever, you will be well on your way and will have attained a higher fitness level along the way.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Jane thanks for adding me :) At the same time I think Wolfman made a good point: setting strict timeframes can have the opposite effect. At some point the need to lose wight needs to to turn to something they call a lifestyle change. Like how you actually want to manage yourself on the long run.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    Glad to have you as a MFP friend, sofielein... :)

    I agree entirely, wolfman. I only used that as a way to find people who have similar weight loss goals. My goal works out to about 2 lbs per week, and I realize that's pretty lofty given that when I lost 70 lbs a couple of years ago, it was more like 1 lb per week. I did an entire lifestyle overhaul the last time round, and much of what I changed remains a part of my everyday and will be that way for life. I am an emotional eater - as most of us are - so that's really what I have to reel in (especially in light of a tough year last year), along with ramping up my fitness. All in all, the 50 lbs in 6 months is just a benchmark, but I really see it as a 6 month window to devise my eating / fitness plan for life. Many thanks for taking the time to post a reality check though... I appreciate it. :)
  • adamsmandie92
    I'm training myself for April in a 5k Run in which I will be running from Zombies (people dressed as zombies), also featuring an obstacle course. I'd like to keep my brain!
  • LouiseCClarke
    Hi, I'm looking to lose around 50lb by the end of August. I have smaller goals set along the way, a holiday over Easter, a wedding in May. I know these are aims more than anything and I won't beat myself up if I don't hit them - but I have promised myself extra treats if I do. But 50lb is my long term aim and the weight I want to maintain once I reach it.

    Good luck with the triathlon, I'm just getting into exercise and the thought of a triathlon scares me far more than the thought of losing 50lb!
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    We have very similar goals and perspectives, Louise. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

    As for the triathlon, I promise you that it sounds way more intimidating than it actually is. That being said, when I cross that finish line, it will be a huge accomplishment for sure! :)
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I started at 177 in Augus and want to get down to 117ish. I am at 168 now. I lose sooo slowly it is depressing. I just focus on 1 lb a week and am STILL not making it. That is hard enough for me. I had my tracker set at that mark, but every time I looked at it, I felt overwhelmed so I reset it to only a 30 lb goal to start. That makes it seem more manageable. I will reset to make a new goal later. I think I may do a cleanse.
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    My goal was 60lbs by June 21 now its 60lbs by July 1. Its not looking too promising tho. Maybe I'll be halfway there by then it is still early in the year.

    Goodluck to everybody!!
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Summer... 1 lb per week is pretty perfect, not slow at all. I'm looking at averaging 2 lbs per week because I plan to work out a whole lot in preparation for the tri along with fine-tuning my eating... here's to us reaching our goals! :)
  • XjXannX
    XjXannX Posts: 44 Member
    i feel like i could lose 50lbs in the next 6 months
  • QueenVirtue
    Hello everyone :). I'm on the same boat as most of you. I plan to lose about 50 lbs as well. I (re)started my journey on January 9th, 2013 and have lost 10 lbs, 4% body fat and some nice inches too ;). So I think it's definitely doable! I'm eating a moderate, mostly clean diet and exercising 6 days a week. My exercising involves cardio and weight training. My body is already transforming. I'm looking forward to the next 5 months. I will keep going strong and reach my goals!! Don't give up! We can do this!! :D
  • sprytez31
    at my current rate i'd lose the rest of my weight (50lb) in 6 months, however i'm well are that some weeks are better/worse than others and i know that i will plateau at some point so i've given myself 2 months of grace with that and aiming to have it gone by october!
  • pdw111
    yes! That's exactly what I hope to do, going on a vacation in mid-July and want to be 50 lbs. svelter so I can actually take my coverup off this year! Will also be going to a family reunion overseas and don't want to be heavy. I've just really started today, having had ups and downs last month (and not sticking to logging). Happy to help motivate anyone and would love some encouragement from time to time. I think we can all do--let's go!
  • Mrs_Cunningham
    Mrs_Cunningham Posts: 2 Member
    looking to lose the rest of my weight this summer . add me.