managerdawn6 Member


  • One day at a time. If you focus on each day instead of the totality of what you want to accomplish it won't seem so overwhelming. I myself have to lose over a hundred pounds and lost 14 thus far. Only weigh in once a week and don't beat yourself up if you don't lose as much as you want at first. Baby steps. Slow and steady…
  • ok where did you buy them?
  • I am very proud of myself for the little weight that I have lost. Most of the time when people ask I tell them honestly and usually they ask how am I doing it. I actually have people that have asked me about it and are now on this site with me as friends. You never know who you would help by telling your story. I think…
  • So far I have been doing the same thing unintentionally. My old habit was to skip breakfast and I would eat too much at lunch and dinner. That is why I am so heavy now. Now that I have changed that bad habit I find myself spreading out the calories with a little extra at dinner. It works for me because sometimes I like an…
  • Whenever I lose weight I tend to lose it first in my legs then my face. Most noticeably. Same problem as you. I am sure it will be the same once I lose a lot more. People who make the clothes tend to think that all women are as big in the legs as their stomach. IDK its hard but we will make it I am sure!