

  • Well there was this uproar about diet soda in the last couple of weeks that it can make you at risk for strokes. However, according GMA's doctor (which I always believe full-heartedly <---sarcasm), the study that is making this claim was very lacking in methods. Controversial studies aside, diet soda will make you crave…
  • Outside of different stradegies for eating and exercising (which are very important to know), there is the mental space that occupies our ability or inability to lose weight. You have to really look at yourself and your past efforts at weight loss and see what has really worked. I'm talking about the things that don't…
  • This might seem a bit exotic, but I just made a whole bunch of "Kale Crisps" over the weekend and they are wonderful. Kale is one of those super foods and joined with a little olive oil, it becomes really tasty. (Even for those who don't particularly like cooked kale) The recipe is really easy and quick. They can be…
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