

  • Hiya, I've done slimming world in the past and had lots of success with it. I used to stay for the talk after weigh in and our group leader sometimes made foods for us to try. I learned how to eat sensibly with them. I don't actually go anymore, but I've still got all the red and green recipe books. I'm now using mfp to…
  • Happy birthday...welcome to the forty something stages of your life. Embrace them. You're fitter than you were in your thirties...and I bet there's lots of things in your life that you still haven't done. I suggest that you sit down today and write a list of things you've never seen or experienced. Then over the next ten…
  • I'm aiming to do a charity run...or something like that this year. Wanted to do the great north run.....but then I realised its a long way to run..ha the moment I can't even run round the block. So maybe I'll do a sponsored walk around a park....I could do that.
    in Hello! Comment by fiestabev January 2014
  • your group has 2 members. Hope you don't mind me being from Sheffield is just down the road from me, so it's almost South Yorkshire. Need lots of encouragement to get me back on the fitness thing again. Joined a gym in Chesterfield this far so good.
    in Hello! Comment by fiestabev January 2014
  • Today IS the day.....go for's only 20 mins afterall. Good luck
  • I'm loving it...but may stick with level 1 for longer....I've just increased my weights slightly though. The 20 mins is enough for me.
  • Using this app has really made me aware of just what is in our foods. Like you, I go over on my sugar intake almost every day...mainly from fruit and diet yoghurts. I do stay under my calories everyday by just a few. I'm losing weight though and doing lots more exercise. So if you're the same...then don't worry about it…
  • Sorry ..the group is called Team moment there.
  • Hiya....go on Team GB group too...lots of us from the UK
  • I'm new to this "my fitness plan" and I seem to be under calorieing because I'm exercising most days. At the moment I'm not eating up to my calorie limit, then feel bad because it's says I'll be starving myself if I carry on at this rate. I suppose it's going to take some adjusting to...never done a calorie controlled diet…
  • Even though you were probably really glad with the massive weight loss over just a few days...I think it's not a true weight. You probably have lost maybe half of that with all the new eating plan and exercise. I know myself that my body weight does fluctuate a lot, especially round the ladies time of the month. I…