kathydraperfitness Member


  • I am using Advocare supplements and doing IIFYM but just starting the IIFYM for my 2016 goals. I am using the Elite performance line.
  • Our bodies are different now with the updated digestive system. one of the keys is to get in your protein from high quality sources. Your body needs the amino acids in protein to prevent the loss of muscle. Remember Protein first, then veggies, then carbs At 7 weeks out you have still got lots of body fat to lose for fuel…
  • I have actually used the wraps and research the ingredients beforehand. Most of the ingredients reduce inflammations. I find it interesting that so many people on this thread are saying they are sweating it out when they encourage you to drink water while using the wrap. Anyway I lost 2 inches on my waist after 72 hours…
  • Had my surgery 2-6-98 Open RNY Curios what your docs calorie goals were for you?? I am pretty physically active My doc was absolutely no help in the nutrition side but did a great job on the surgery All of you are welcome to friend request me. We are in this together
  • She asked for comments from those about to have surgery of that have already done it. She did not ask for advice from the people that are uninformed or choose not to use surgery was a weight loss tool. Good luck with your procedure - I know it wasn't easy and hoping the journey is the blessing you are looking for. Please…
  • Be sure that you are holding those stretches for at least 10-30 seconds. Make sure you have good shoes if you are doing a lot of miles - Preferably get fitted at a good running store that looks at your gait and the wear on your older shoes.
  • Can't hurt to go to a ortho doc to get it looked out. Things like Omega 3 fish oils, glucosamine/condroitin and curcumin can bring down inflammation levels. I have something called patella femoral syndrome that means my knee doesn't track properly and I hve a cartiledge damage. Activity like walking can help if it is…
  • I don't want to lose weight - My goal is fat loss. As we get older the one thing we need to be do is increase intensity of exercise not length of time exercising. Long bouts of cardio for example, as we get older, will increase cortisol levels when our other hormones are changing.
  • Multi-vitamin daily - Omega 3 and vitamin D. Most people are deficient in both omega 3 and vitamin d. I also take b12 sublingual and calcium.
  • A good trainer is worth it - A bad trainer will get you injured. People find personal trainers helpful for accountability if you do more than 3 sessions but it gets pricey.
  • Wow I guess I didn't know it yelled at you - I would rather say I ate a few calories under my budget rather going over my budget. It also depends was it a few calories under a lot of calories under???
  • Not going to judge on the drinking but will assure you that the girls on the covers of the fitness mags are not drinking alcohol. You want fat loss - reduce the alcohol. Consider this - Your body is creating new cells everyday from the fuel you give it - Are you feeding your body the fuel to create the cells you want for…
  • I am concerned when I see people trying to diet and eat less than 1200 calories - The average basal metabolic rate is 1200 calories. That is what you burn before you even get out of bed. If you go below your BMR your body will find fuel somehow. It will take from bone and muscle along with fat. Just remember your heart is…
  • I am using the new Can You 24 DVDs from Advocare. I am so much more physically strong since I started using them. each workout is only 24 minutes - Intense and quick! When I started I could do 10 push up and now I am up to 24! I am thinking about pulling out my Turbo Jam too. I won't even bother with stuff like P90X and…
  • Hi Ya'll I am Kathy 15 years ago I weight 310 lbs. It has not been smooth but I am down about 125 lbs. I have walked 3 half marathons and hope to do some more this fall. They don't have any here in the summer because it's too hot! I need to lose another 30-40 lbs to be here I think I can be at a healthy attainable…
  • Love Chia Seeds - I find Dr. Weil credible. I am getting a little concerned that Dr. Oz is so focused on weight loss for ratings that he is starting to lose credibility. Almost seems like those magazines that have a new diet every week. Trust me I work in a health food section and I talk with the people who want the quick…
  • Be sure you are doing a cleanse and not fast - The Master Cleanse for example is not a cleanse but a fast. No one should be fasting for more than 3 days unless it if for religious reason and should be under a doctor's care. Sweating, sauna etc are also helpful for cleansing. I prefer the Advocare Citrus cleanse but there…
  • Thanks for starting this group - I am looking forward to positive support.
  • I like them but it is not a replacement for diet and exercise. They do not dehydrate you and it will not cause weight loss but for most it causes inch loss. Actually feels like a spa treatment. You can't really reuse them because there is a special cream on each wrap. My personal experience - first one I dropped about an…
  • Had RNY 2-6-98! It hasn't always been a smooth journey. I had a regain of 50 lb about 3 years out but I am currrently down 130 lb and celebrating the 15 year anniversary in a few weeks!!