goad4you Member


  • view your wife's diary>click on quick tools>copy to today then it will ask which meal you would like to add it to and you can edit servings when it's in your diary.
  • Males are invited as well! I reeeeeeeally want to read Wheel of Time and Ender's game. But first, I'm still reading Clash of Kings and Mort (Discworld series). [/quote] I think my wife has read every Discworld novel there is(what like 60 of them). I've onyl read a few...I can't remember which ones. I know I have read Mort.…
  • Not sure if males are invited to this party but... I love books although my wife hogs the kindle(Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, Ender's Game) I love Doctor Who (only half way through the first Matt Smith season, No Spoilers, but I've watched some Tom Baker episodes too) Also, I have 2 cats and 3 dogs. and I taught myself…
  • I had the Mediterranean chicken salad last weekend and it was delicious. I really wanted to try the steak and egg breakfast bowl but it was lunch time and they wouldn't let me order it. It was a little bit of a hassle to order off the hidden menu but the cashier was really helpful.
  • Kirsten - Where did you get that fancy graph showing your weight trend? I would love to have something like that.
  • I've been primal since september and have lost 50 lbs. For the first 3 months, I only drank water and coffee. Since Christmas, I have been less concerned about being perfect and more concerned with making this a lifelong way of life. And part of that for me is having a soda if I want one. I am a Diet Dr. Pepper Guy. I have…
  • I know this is rather late but I thought you might be interested in this link http://www.marksdailyapple.com/forum/thread4723.html It can explain everything better than I can but this is the gist of it. Unless your doctor measured LDL directly using a VAP test, your LDL could be miscalculated because your Trig are under…