RickyMartorana Member


  • Yeah I typically have no problem having a consistent calorie deficit its just when you add in the excersie my calories remaining for the day looks absurd. Not to mention it still doesnt seem right to eat that much even after the calories burned from exercising. I'll definitely knock it down to sedentary and see if they…
  • Well according to the numbers they give for calories burned, I would be losing 1000+ calories a day. I listed it as active because for the past week I have been going to the gym 2.5 hours a day. I plan on keeping this schedule as well. I do a bunch lifts rotating between upper and lower body every other day or so and I…
  • I am a full time college student who live on campus at UCSD. We have to pay $2350 at the start of every year that goes to "Dining Dollars" this means no matter what I have to spend $2350 on food at dining halls, couple this with the fact that I have no financial backup from any where else means I have to survive on Dining…
  • I think I might try it as well I need something to spice up my daily routines.
  • While I have noticed this especially being at such a high weight myself. When examining my own situation it seems all mental I notice that after I have been doing it for awhile I kind of lose spirit and motivation. I make poor decisions and work out less intensely. So when I start back up I lose more but I think I might…