Almost 5 months , ZERO PROGRESS. mannn i just feel hopless



  • bob_day
    bob_day Posts: 87
    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Eat mostly to get the nutrition your body needs, and less for enjoyment. Establish a healthful diet and learn to enjoy healthful foods, and make eating less a part of your life.

    2) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    3) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    4) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, 25% daily value or less of sodium, and high in fiber.

    5) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight will fluctuate, but with a constant diet it should trend down over every two or three days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.) Don't obsess over the scale — let it be your friend and point the way to a weight losing diet.

    6) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    7) Start a program of regular daily exercise.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
  • RickyMartorana
    RickyMartorana Posts: 7 Member
    I am a full time college student who live on campus at UCSD. We have to pay $2350 at the start of every year that goes to "Dining Dollars" this means no matter what I have to spend $2350 on food at dining halls, couple this with the fact that I have no financial backup from any where else means I have to survive on Dining Hall food that is typically pretty unhealthy. I lost 60 lbs last year alone and it was all done by making sure I stayed under the calorie limit every day. As I began to see the calories in things I started to weigh more options more and more. Certain things like bagels and pizza, etc. just seemed like it wasn't worth the calories any longer. I cut out cheese almost completely even though most of the time it was free with whatever I was eating. I would say no cheese please, which as it turns out is often covered up by the burrito or chicken sandwich that I am eating after throwing some salsa (not hot sauce) on it. Try to cut out carbs where ever you can and it will make a tremendous difference. I swear I probably went weeks without carbs without even counting last year. Also something I find that works for me that everyone swears against, I weigh myself right when I get to the gym and again after I am done working out. I weighed over 300 lbs. back then and so I saw immediate results, they probably were't the most accurate of readings but they helped me tremendously because whenever i ate horribly I would also see immediate weight gain which helped me the next day. Understand that after you drink a bunch of water your weight is going to go up but you can compare the starting numbers from day to day as well as the ending numbers.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    It was sad and depressing to rea
    d your post. Very Frustrating, I know because in January I set a realistic goal to lose20lbs in 10 months. You would think that is achieveable. 2lbs a month. By April I was at my doctors because I hadn't lost anything. I was watching what I was eating doing my logs and excerising......... Still nothing. He put me on ritalin to help booster my metabolism. He said in 2 months you should lose around 7.5lbs. I will see you then. So on the meds for 2 months went back to the doctors. lost 3lbs. Although it wasn't what he expected it was still a loss and I was happy. 2 more months go by Nothing!!!!!!!!! I a not attending the Wharton Clinic to help figure out why in 3 yrs I have not lost an excessive weight even though I am eating right and excerising. So I feel your pain and maybe you need to address this concern withyourdoctor.
    i have but my doctor is very overweight . And tells me that i dont need to loose any weight .. Im at 20 percent bf tho . I wud like to have'ripped. Abs and i wont have them uintidl im atleast 11 percent bodyfat . My doc NEVER gives me good advice bout loosing weighr
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    For me, exercise is the easy part but the food is hard. I've been here since March and have fallen off the wagon over and over already. I've been consistent for the past 2 months and I've lost 21 pounds. I bought a food scale, prepared all my meals at home (including treats), started working out 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and here I am. It's hard, but it's do-able.

    If I'm feeling like a big failure or need some motivation, I visit the success stories board. There are so many inspiring people there and the before/after pictures make it feel real to me, like I can really do this.

    If you need a friend, feel free to add me! :)

    Perfect advice,
  • Erebekah33
    Erebekah33 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem if u r eating right and working out..let ur body rest a day in between ur stress some ppl gain some lose..ur cortisol levels can go high and its hard to lose fat..its a battle but u will do it..keep faith
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    Bump ..... Its now been 8 months . And i have only lost 1 pound . Please help me
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    its been 5 months of excersing NO DAYS OFF. and ive seen 0 progress. I know exactly why though , its because of my eating habits that i just cant seeeem to control which makes me soooo depressed man .... ill seen a pound loss every now and then but a week or 2 later i'll see that ive gained it back , plus an extra one. please help with your own personal success stories so i can KNOW this is possible .. please . thx guyss
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    What is your height and cw
    lets see what you want to lose
  • I hear you.....

    You've got to find the motivation and forgive yourself for not being perfect all the time. Spend some time researching motivation and you'll find something, some reason that will get you up and running towards your goal.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Try to take a few days off. Yes, it's true that you may need to change what you're eating, but you may also be creating a situation where your body won't let go of the weight, because it knows you're exercising really hard. Also, I don't know about you, but i gain muscle very easily, so if I exercise a lot, my body composition (fat %) improves, but I won't necessarily lose weight. Are your clothes looser now, or do you feel better than before?
  • soysauce89
    soysauce89 Posts: 1 Member
    Stick with it sometimes your body needs a change up!! Increase your calories.... You may need a little shock to your system!!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you are still not losing weight, then you're not in a calorie deficit.

    If you haven't done so already, please read