Bump for ideas
@Dani Good advice... Thanks. I'll try deloading the next session or two and see what happens. Also, as much as I hate them, I want to be able to do the stinking push-ups so I guess I just have to practice them. I'm not tired out when doing the deadlift sets so I guess I will continue doing the warmups then. Thanks so much…
@leah thanks for the calorie info... I'm just always so hungry that I'm not sure if I'm SUPPOSED to be eating as much as I do or if I just WANT to lol.
Bump... I don't like yogurt, nuts or cottage cheese either and could use some extra protein.
YOGURT (smell and taste makes me wanna gag) mushrooms cottage cheese blue cheese pretty much cheese by itself (string cheese sticks, fried cheese, etc.) black olives OH YEAH: Pumpkin anything Custard anything Coconut anything (although in the process of trying coconut milk.... it'll probably go to waste though lol)
What an AWESOME job!! Congratulations! You look FABULOUS!
Bump for later~
Thank you all for the feedback... I'll let him know to ignore his whacko instructor! lol
Okay.... Thanks for the validation. Lord knows no one wants him any grumpier than he is lol.
I'm inclined to agree with this line of thought.
I agree... I am one too lol!
WATER WATER WATER! Your fiber "sounds" okay. Fat from avocado is good. And exercise. Just my two cents!
Bump... Tired of the same old kale
So glad you guys were sharing the same sentiments. Not to knock anyone's personal progress or goals, I just don't see myself down that low in weight at 5'6" You ladies have given me much to think about (i.e. worrying about my own goals, not comparing, focusing on my bf%, etc.). It is really appreciated! And for all the…
^^THIS Don't be a d*** but if you have an opinion... Go for it! Tact is key!
I love your soon-to-be stats! 5'6", 160, 25% BF, size 6. And you are right, as are many of the other women that have posted here, my main focus will be BF% from now on. I love the fact that this thread showed so much diversity between weights, even though we all have similar heights. This has been a real eye opener and I…
Very useful tool... Thanks a bunch for that! Bf% should definitely be my bigger concern at this point.
OH me too me too... Can I get rid of the saggy mess with exercise and diet or will extra measures need to be taken (i.e. surgery : ( )?
BUMP! Definitely need this!
This is 2 months?! GREAT job!!!!
Thanks for this! And OP... I start Stronglifts Monday... I'm excited! On the site they have a spreadsheet to track progress... pretty cool if you're a nerd like me lol
YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!! You've inspired me!
Not that I'm anywhere near 20% bf let alone any dangerous level, this is good info!! Thanks BUMP
That definitely helps put things in perspective @aarilynn. I would like to see inches lost by the end of all of this too. Right now, lost pounds motivate me but inches are definitely my ultimate goal (that and my bf%). Thanks for that insight!
Going thru it... I LOVE this link lol. I'm realizing that the fit females at 5'6" in the 150ish range have nice muscle tone and I think that will be focus now.
@tayteetots GREAT work .... CONGRATS on your progress!! @charlene77 Thanks for the link.... It's incredibly helpful to see all the shapes and sizes us beautiful women come in even at the same height.