CisMomma Member


  • I use MFP as a tool. It is only 1 portion of my "Get Healthy" plan. I joined a Crossfit Box in late March, started eating "clean" (so no processed foods, proper protein amounts, lots of veggies, no grains, healthy fats) in May and have noticed such a HUGE difference in my health. I did want to lose a few pounds but my…
  • Welcome back! I know that it can be tough. I started blogging everyday on here so that people who are following me on MFP will help hold me accountable for my actions. For example, if I blog that I am going to get up and go to the gym, I feel like I have to because someone is going to ask me "how was the gym". Just an…
    in Hello Comment by CisMomma October 2011
  • What a wonderful message to wake up to! You have your self a wonderful day.
  • I am a mom of a 7 yr old. BUT when she was born I picked up a DVD called FITMOM. It was AWESOME!! It's a workout that you can do with your little one. If you have a "Snugli", you put it on and baby becomes your resistance. It was a great workout and helped me get in shape. I also walked EVERYWHERE with her. It's a great…
    in New Mom!! Comment by CisMomma May 2011
  • I'm new too! Thanks for introducing me to this site. I look forward to being a part of the journey...