

  • Shoes certainly can be the culprit along with the surface you workout on. The kinetic chain principle suggests that everything begins from the floor and our feet. Bad shoes or feet can cause ailments as far up the body as the back and chest. Check out one of those stores that look at your feet before they sell you shoes.…
  • Hi there, I am an athletic trainer who has worked closely with doctors, surgeons, physical therapists, college athletes and pro athletes alike. Shin splints is an umbrella term. Basically given to any pain coming from the front of the lower leg. When you bring your foot or toes up as in towards your face, that is called…
  • A lot of people feel that way. I'm just amazed when she goes to town on the power jumps.
  • Hey Sammy, My doc told me Wellbutrin is supposed to be the best of the ADs when it comes to gaining the least amount of weight.
  • Shaun T is the man, miles ahead of Tony Horton. I had to do P90X on mute. I just noticed I'm the only guy commenting haha Here let me regain some masculinity. Tonya is pretty hot along with most of the girls in the videos.
  • It's funny to see the vast difference between everyone's music preference while working out. Good post! If I'm lifting I like things like System of a Down's Chop Suey, Limp Biskit's Faith, any Linkin Park, Korn, that kind of stuff. If I am doing cardio it's usually stuff like Catarac's Top of the World, Kid Cudi's Pursuit…
  • Hey Michael, Great job so far losing over 30lbs! I just started Insanity myself.
  • HAHAHA so true! This is my wife to a T. I'm sending her this right now. Thanks for sharing.
  • Well the good ole way to make wing sauce is Frank's or Texas Pete's mixed with a little melted butter. You can add some garlic powder if you like that too. Then just toss in freshly fried wings. My calorie saver method is to grill or broil the wings toss them in the sauce minus the butter and then grill or broil them again…