cookcs1984 Member


  • HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Really? I had no idea that they referred to pounds as stones. That's hilarious. I would have eventually started to think that maybe she meant health-wise like gall-stones or kidney stones. lol
  • HELLO ALL! I'm glad to see everyone is so looking forward to this fitness journey. I've been trying to lose weight and get fit for YEARS now, but for the first time in a long time I'm really EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to what comes with losing this weight, thanks to this site. I LOVE IT! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!
  • Some of these responses have me rolling on the floor with laughter. But my answer, definitely Seth Rogen. I liked him when he was chubbier, like "Knocked Up" Seth Rogen, not so much the "Green Hornet" Seth (although he's still a cutie in my book).
  • Hey amaldonado, Hold the phone... you lost 80lbs since joining MFP? WOOooooow!!!! That's a huge accomplishment! Well, I just joined recently and I'm hoping I can lose 50lbs this year. Its been my goal for about 5 years now. Lets hope this time I can actually follow through on that. Wishing you much success... again! :-)
  • Welcome battles! I'm new to the site myself, but I'm loving it so far. I've tried a lot of different diets in the past, but so far calorie counting has worked the best. I'm certain you'll reach your goal this year. Hey sabell82, I didn't realize you could look at other people's food logs. How do you go about doing that?…