

  • I like to buy diet ocean spray juice (blueberry is my favorite) and I usually mix it 1/10 oz of juice to oz of water. Not only does it flavor the water, the bottles tend to last a long time, and you are still mainly drinking water.
  • FWIW, I think of "natural" foods as something that I could have found and eaten 200 years ago somewhere on planet earth. Beet and cane sugar? Sure, as long as it doesn't go through a chemical bleaching process. HFCS, nope. Cheese, sure. Processed cheese substitute, no. Turkey, yes. Deli meat turkey, no.
  • Just keep working at it. Have you noticed any changes in the past month? Do your clothes fit better? Make sure you are hitting your calorie marks, macros, and getting enough rest to let your body heal itself. Keep positive and it will come off.