I started yesterday and I have to admit I'm out of shape after having 2 kids almost back to back, but dang I didn't realize that out of shape until today when I went to get out of bed and was so sore. I just did half of day 2 and got interupted so will do full tonight. And I'm going to try to walk to my daughter's school…
Currently in Alamogordo, NM
I just saw this. I didn't so do well on calorie burning today. Except I kept moving all day so I'm sure I burned a decent amount. I did jump rope for 6 minutes. Played w/2 kids. Cleaned = sweeping/mopping/dusting/dishes/laundry. Did opposite arm/leg raises. Bench pressed 10 lbs.
Cflexen- I am in the exact same place you are my daughter was born the 27th of May. So I feel I can no longer use the excuse that I just had a baby is why I still look 6 months prego. HA. My husband is military and gone alot so I can really only work out at home. So I'm finding it hard to get motivated to do the workout.…