Mphaneuf Member


  • i have been here 2 hours and already love it!!! i am amazed at how many people have just been joining in the last 2hours its incredible!! the support everyone gives it truly amazing...never had so much support in my life.... i hope this site is as good with the health and dieting as it is with its support!! hope everything…
  • Yea really, for only being a member for about 2hrs I have gotten so much support. It is amazing, really pushing me to make this my year of weight loss...hope all goes well for you as well if you ever need some support I'm always here! good luck to you!!
  • Thank you so much for that! That was really helpful! I can't believe the great amount of support this site has it really is making me like it already and I only joined 2 hours ago!! thank you so much good luck to you :)
  • You make some very good points! If you would like to add me feel free! PS. glad I was able to make you smile! haha everyone needs to smile every once and a while!! good luck to you!!
  • I know! can't believe it! It is amazing! I am so ready to lose this weight :) good luck to you!!
  • Thank you :) I am still trying to get use to this whole thing still not sure exactly what it is I am doing but I am sure I will figure all that out soon! good luck to you as well :)
  • haha I am from the East Coast! Sorry! That is something I say a lot :-/
  • Wow thats really good! Good luck! I think I am more afraid of eating I at one point stopped eating or skipped meals or just snacked instead of eating meals and it just started really running me down. I constantly felt sick and would black out so most importantly for me is to get on a healthier diet and just be able to eat…
  • Welcome! I am amazed by how many people are joining and supporting each other. This is such a great site...Love it already and have hardly started :) Best of luck to you!
  • I wish you the best of luck! Hope your family will also follow your lead...its such a great life changing thing!!
  • WOW! CONGRATS!! You look AMAZING :)
  • Really?! Thats awesome, I am wicked excited! A few of my friends and I are doing this together so hopefully it will be a bit easier! I am just starting of slow hoping to lose 20 but then probably will add more as we go along! I just want to be healthier...especially where there are many diabetics in my family. I just want…