Just Started My Fitness Pal

Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

Just thought I would stop by and introduce myself...
My name is Marissa and I just started using this site today...
not really sure how to use it yet but hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon enough!!

If anyone ever needs someone to talk to I am always here to listen...
I know dieting and losing weight is not easy
but with everyones support we can all do this!!

Good Luck to Everyone!!


  • TedTorres
    TedTorres Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Marissa. Welcome to MyFitnessPal. I'm a newbie too. Just started a few days ago and really like it.
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member

    Thats awesome, I am wicked excited!
    A few of my friends and I are doing this together so hopefully it will be a bit easier!
    I am just starting of slow hoping to lose 20 but then probably will add more as we go along!
    I just want to be healthier...especially where there are many diabetics in my family. I just want to make sure I am healthy again!

    Good Luck to you :)
  • Best of luck on this journey! Diabetes is a big deal in my family, so I am hoping by creating a healthy lifestyle change, I can encourage them too also ;)
  • meanbmc
    meanbmc Posts: 28
    i'm new too, and hoping this method will help me stick to the plan. good luck!
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    I wish you the best of luck!
    Hope your family will also follow your lead...its such a great life changing thing!!
  • TedTorres
    TedTorres Posts: 53 Member
    I started running again in November, but did not worry too much about eating. I have slowly started to cook more and eat less processed food. I will not become a food nazi, but I do want to eat better. I saw something posted about this app for the iPhone and decided to give it a try. I am somewhat amazed at how many calories I eat daily. It also helps to keep me honest. I have set no weight goals and don't like BMI charts. I just want to tone up and feel good.
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member

    I am amazed by how many people are joining and supporting each other.
    This is such a great site...Love it already and have hardly started :)

    Best of luck to you!
  • TedTorres
    TedTorres Posts: 53 Member
    Just curious. Where are you from? "Wicked" is an East Coast thing. The first time I heard it was from a girl from Boston. (c:
  • I am new also! But so far love this site... people here are so supportive and it makes the calorie counting easier and makes you accountable for working out as well.. good luck on your journey
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    Wow thats really good!
    Good luck!

    I think I am more afraid of eating
    I at one point stopped eating or skipped meals or just snacked instead of eating meals
    and it just started really running me down. I constantly felt sick and would black out
    so most importantly for me is to get on a healthier diet and just be able to eat more healthy
    and less snacking junky kinda foods. I think once I get on a healthier diet I will get enough energy to exercise more
    I am just very tired and lazy lately so I am hoping this site will help me. But it looks like there are a lot of people out there supporting each other and thats AMAZING :)

    good luck to you!!
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    haha I am from the East Coast!
    Sorry! That is something I say a lot :-/
  • If you would like send me a friend request and we can help each other along... always easier when you have support!
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you :)

    I am still trying to get use to this whole thing
    still not sure exactly what it is I am doing but I am sure I will figure all that out soon!

    good luck to you as well :)
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    Hey, I just started, as well! I'm really excited that there's such a fantastic support group here.
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    I know! can't believe it!
    It is amazing!

    I am so ready to lose this weight :)

    good luck to you!!
  • TedTorres
    TedTorres Posts: 53 Member
    They don't teach us in school about how to eat right and business is more interested in profits than what's good for us. The whole campaign, "You Are What You Eat" couldn't be more true. I feel like I never stop eating and I consume somewhere around 3,000 calories daily. I also work a physically demanding night job which means I need the calories. I find I don't sleep well and even when I do I am always tired. I think it is vitamin D that the body produces naturally in sunlight. I might need more sun. Tonight is the first night I've acutally gotten on the message boards and the support is great. Best of luck to you.

    I like the East Coast and lived there for a little more than a year. "Wicked" reminds me of a girl and puts a smile on my face. Don't be sorry for writing it. (c:
  • Welcome! I just started a few days ago also and there is alot of good info on this site as well as very helpful people. If you track your food and exercise - to me that is the most important feature. It's alot easier than some other sites - not as much info needed to get it tracked so I'll probably be more diligent about it. Also if there is something specific you want to track on food (in my case I'm concerned about sodium) you can add that to the food tracking and it will tell you if you are going over or not.

    There are many challenges - that is something that pushes me - so if you go to the motivation section you'll see them. Good luck to you!
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    You make some very good points!
    If you would like to add me feel free!

    PS. glad I was able to make you smile! haha everyone needs to smile every once and a while!!

    good luck to you!!
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much for that!
    That was really helpful!
    I can't believe the great amount of support this site has
    it really is making me like it already and I only joined 2 hours ago!!

    thank you so much
    good luck to you :)
  • Just started also, never done a online fitness before. I'm not big on dieting so hoping this year will be the year! Looks like a lot of people out there for support. Lookin for a great year! :happy:
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