zagrath769 Member


  • I'm with you guys too.....been here off and on for about 10 months. But now ready to try it out in full. Friendship helps.
  • Welcome back! I am coming back after a 10 month absence. I have horrible eating habits and I hope to fix that. I go through phases of not eating much of anything for 2-3 weeks and then going back to eating one meal (usually big) a day. I am currently in the "not eating much of anything" phase and have been there for almost…
  • Hello! I'm just coming back after being gone for about 10 months. I'm still really bad with my eating habits and need to get better about them. I am on high cholesterol medication as well as Metformin for pre-diabetic. I'm hoping that a new lifestyle might get me off of those meds. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • Hello! What a fun time in your life. I wish you the best and good luck!
  • Thank you for all this helpful information. My whole life I've went through varying eating phases. For 2-3 weeks I'll go not eating much of anything and not being motivated to eat. Then that phase is over and I go back to eating as normal (normal for me is one meal a day....but usually a large one). I've been in the not…
  • I'm from Nebraska. Add me if you'd like to.
  • Hello. My name is Zagrath769. My current weight is 233.8. By Mother's Day I hope to weigh 215 pounds. I plan on doing this by keeping to my current caloric intake which is 1200-1290 per day.
  • I'd go for smart. Looks fade over time.
  • it's so encouraging to read all of your responses. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 6 months ago and have slept with a CPAP since. I've just started on my journey, but getting off of that CPAP is one goal that I'm looking forward to reaching.
  • Very good thinking. I set my goal weight for 150. I currently weigh 255. I am 5'3. I set my goal to 150 because that's about what I weighed in High School and I was happy and comfortable at that weight. According to the standards I'm supposed to weigh between 114-140 (what a range!). I think you've got your head on…
  • I weigh daily. I do it first thing in the morning and after I go to the bathroom.
  • I'm a self-employed photographer specializing in pets. My business is called "4 Paw Photography".
  • (1) Being able to wear my wedding ring again. I haven't been able to for years because my fingers have gotten too chubby. (2) Being more comfortable sitting in a booth at a restaurant. (3) Being able to put on my seatbelt in my car. Being able to move closer to the steering wheel so my feet reach better. (4) Wearing what I…
  • Last time I lost weight (many many years ago) I was thinking of it as a "diet". I didn't think about the maintenance part of it. I wasn't thinking of it as a lifestyle change. This time I am and this time I will succeed.
  • Wow....what horrible horrible things to say. I can't believe there are such bad people in this world. Oh -- and thank you for helping the animals. I have 6 cats and a dog....all rescues. I have been involved with rescue for 12 years and I love it. Animals are the best - they don't judge and they love you no matter what.
  • Hello! I am bi-polar and am on Abilify and Lamotrigine. These meds do make it difficult to lose weight. One of the side effects of them is weight gain. I don't have any children (6 cats and a dog), but I don't work. I have COPD (lung disease) and am on disability. Being at home all the time does get dull and boring....and…
  • I'd always read that muscle and fat weigh the same, but muscle just takes up less room.
  • oh I hate booths! They don't make them for big people that's for sure. And that's always where my husband wants to sit. Soon I'll be able to be more comfortable in them. Another motivator!
  • That's one of my motivators. I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for a few years due to the weight wain. I refused to have it resized because i always figured that I'll lose weight....someday. Well that day is now!
  • Welcome to the group! I have approximately 115 pounds to lose. I also have sleep apnea, am pre-diabetic, and have COPD (lung disease). I've been here for a little over 10 days. I find MFP very helpful and encouraging. I will "friend" you. I am here daily and keep my food diary open to friends.
  • I hear that! My goal weight is 150. I agree, this is something that you have to do for you and that motivation has to come from somewhere deep inside you. Something that tells you everyday I HAVE TO DO THIS. You can't do it for a guy, for your family, or for anything/ anyone else. It HAS to be for you. Sure, those people…
  • Welcome to the group! It looks like you have some wonderful goals set for yourself. I wish you all the best of luck!
    in S'up? Comment by zagrath769 January 2013
  • I get a lot of recipes from the Hungry Girl website and books. She's got a lot of things under 200 and 300 calories. Tasty stuff!
  • I am now 262 and want to get down to 150. I picked 150 because it's what I weighed in high school and I was a size 12 then (sometimes a 10 depending on the designer). It's a little over what I'm "supposed" to weigh, but I don't care. I think I'll be happy there and comfortable. If not, I'll go a little further down.
  • That's exactly right. If you deprive yourself, all you'll end up doing is thinking about that which you are depriving yourself of. Then you'll end up gorging on it or something else. Better to just have it and then either work it off or make up for it the next day. I don't think that treating yourself once in a while is…
  • I need to lose approximately 115 pounds. I will friend you. I try to be as supportive as I can be and I have my food diary open to friends.
  • you poor thing. You have been through a tremendous amount. I'm glad things are looking up for you now. I will friend you. I will support you where I can. Maybe we can help each other!
  • Hello and welcome to the group! To add a friend, click on the person's picture. Their profile will display. Then simply click on the "Add as Friend" button. I just started this on the 15th, but am finding it very helpful. I can keep track of things much easier, I have support, and I feel accountable. I hope you enjoy it…
  • I just started on the 15th and am finding it very helpful. I am accountable, have support, and it''s an easy way to keep track of things. Best of luck to you - I know you can do it!
  • I have COPD (lung disease) and am on oxygen 24/7 so I knew I'd only be able to go to Curves and work out 2 (3 at the most) times a week for 1/2 an hour each time (that's all they allow). I set my activity level to Sedentary.