Daddy I want a golden goose. I want one, I want one!
Ooh Gromit! It's real Wensleydale cheese!
I want you to leave. And this time, don't come back.
Don't worry about being THE best. Just be YOUR best. Also, when our teacher was giving us the whole "don't do drugs" talk when I was 16, she never actually said, "don't do drugs". She just asked us to consider what we put in our bodies and why, and about trusting who or where the drugs come from. Jackson Brown: Don't say…
Essay not done. >.<
...they used all the soap...
I lost respect for him re the doping. I would have much more respect for him if he'd been honestly proclaimed "one of the best" without doping, than any wins he gained dishonestly. I'm not a cycling expert, and so couldn't say how much drug use/cheating goes on... but I have a lot more respect for say, Bradley Wiggins, who…