

  • Taking off a pound a week is probably faster than when you were putting weight one. Don't be discouraged, you are doing great! Steady progress and it will be easier to keep it off. I'm right there with you.... I've been at this for 4 weeks and I've lost 3.5 pounds.
  • "A kick in the rear is a positive step forward." Whether its a jump start to get off the couch, work smarter on your project or reving up your workout, that kick is motivation. We all need it!!!
  • Keep drinking your water. Eat some blueberries and/or celery stick with just a hint of peanut butter. You'll be satisfied and not feel guilty. Good luck. WE CAN DO THIS THING! Anne
  • I'm a newbie too...Day 3. Not sure what the weekend will bring but eating out with friends will be a challenge. I have a purpose and need to be accountable for everything I put in my mouth. As long as I'm honest I think the guilt will keep be going. I'm already feeling better about myself and I haven't even lost any…