

  • Exactely !!!!!
  • It is so sad that some people are so blinded by the religion and take the scripture literally. I am a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer but I also believe that GOD will use doctors to help, an answer to your prayers to heal and help those that suffer. If you refuse the help that HE might be sending you as an…
  • "If it is important enough for you, you will find a way; if not you will find an excuse."
  • The best way is to look at what your calorie intake is now and what are your calories burned from a workout ( or physical activity of any kind) simple math calories IN/ calorie OUT has to be less then the other to see results...
  • I don't eat back my calories, I as many of you already said try to stay on 1200 cal. range per day. I feel like if I'm working out more that day and burn over 1000 calories I will go over some. But I feel like if I eat back my cal. excercise that would be maintaining my weight, and I'm here doing this because I am trying…
  • I'm 5'7 was 165 lbs been working out and trying to eat right the last few months, now I'm down to 158 lbs. But I'm not done trying to get back to my confortable 140lbs thats my weight. Once I get there I hope to maintain.
  • I just start using 'RUNTASTIC Pedometer' and so far 5350 steps in 3 hrs so far so good. I only use it when I do my rounds at work, I hope to work my way to 11000 per shift :)
  • I drink cold water throughout the day, and I cut down on carbs and sugar -I love carbs but the more I eat the hungrier I get so I really had to watch how much carbs I have ( or replace them with good whole grain ). It works for me :)
  • I keep on a pair of the " pre-kids" jeans hope to fit back in them soon