I always suggest this, but sliced cucumbers and salsa is on point! lol
Thanks! I'm consuming less than 500 calories a day and don't feel hungry ALL the time, lots of water helps with that I'm sure! Thanks for the advice, if I get to a stand-still in weight loss I'll definately try your method!!
Ah, well I love cucumber. Better luck next time lol
You look AWESOME! Congrats! On another note, I'm sorry for your loss... I lost my best friend Dec 2011, it was very sudden and impacted my weight tremendously. I started my journey to a healthier lifestyle last Thursday, and I've lose 4 lbs already!! I do have a question tho because I have not been consuming many calories…
I'm a little late but 2/21: 224
My name's Brittany. I'm 23 and work full time, no kids (just a puppy named Silas!), and I'm, hopefully, gonna get back in school this August to finish my final year of nursing school. I have a desk job and lets just say my weight went through the roof before I even realized it! Well, when I had my latest doctors…
French fries are my absolute fav, anything potato really! But I started my journey to a healthier lifestyle last Thursday and haven't had anything potato, not even a fry! I'm also excercising, so I've lost 4 lbs so far! Another food that is hard for me to live without is homemade salsa and chips, YUM!! Instead of…
If you have a cucumber, slice it up and use it as your "chip"! It's delicious and better for you anyways! lol