AHhh so much yes to this! I'm in college, also (though I'll be 20 in February, do I still count for this post? :P), and I need help with eating better!
5'2 (a little under lol), 30 lbs to lose to get to 120 lbs. :)
If it is straight biology, then when woman are at their physical peak, they would fit this description. Not all women do. Not all women are the same, so you can't plaster measurements on a "normal" woman and say that's what everyone should look like. The idea of a man being big and bulky and a woman being tiny and lean…
You would cry if you looked like Marilyn Monroe? Don't make me laugh.
You people get your idea of "feminine" and "masculine" looking from society and movies. If someone, at the peak of their fitness, looks like this, and is a woman, that's feminine. There's no definition of what everyone should look like. I sense a lot of jealousy in this thread.
That's a great set of mind :) That's what I'm going to do when I get there, too. Throw away clothes too big for me. Good luck!
I'm not entirely sure, but if you friend me you can view my diary and it's in there. :)
I have one in my recipes section c:
A goal is a dream with a deadline. I forgot that one. c:
Proud :p
You can make a low-calorie smoothie :) I have one in my recipes. It's about 80 calories per serving.
I'm gonna pull a Patrick here. Start yelling: I'M UGLY AND I'M PUHHROUD! IIIII'M UGLY AND I'M PUHHROUD! And it will apparently cure anything. Thanks, Patrick Star. :heart:
Lol you people who act so nice. If you heard some pretty girl say "omg I'm tired of being just a pretty face, do you feel the same?" in real life, you'd think the same damn thing I did. Stop lying to yourselves, ha.
I've tried to do it 3 other times in the past. Mostly, though, my set has just been collecting dust. But I'm starting it tomorrow, and I plan on pushing through it. I know I'll be proud of myself. To the people who have finished it, how did you keep yourself motivated?
All of you rock :) I know i'll be proud of myself if I do it, and everyone in my life will be, too. Thank you for your support, I'll definitely add you guys!
Spongeh :laugh:
You do realize how cocky this made you seem, right?
Sadly, our perception of ourselves is largely based on society. In the movies, "pretty" girls are defined as tiny, agile, flexible, with long flowing hair, perfectly symmetrical face. However, women are not all the same, nor will we ever be. It's one thing to look at someone and think "Man she's pretty." or "She's so…