

  • Maybe a low cal sports drink will be helpful (lost of electrolytes) instead of a salty snack...let us know if you figyre something that works.
  • uuum!! 2 scoops is a suggested serving size so go back to your jar and look, it is not necessary that one takes 52g but my point was to respond to the 30g "myth". Do your homework. I personally take 1 scoop at a time because of my nutritional needs.
  • Gotcha, I hope no one takes it to the extreme....
  • Not true, although it is important to eat some carb with your protein (hence the presence of carbs in protein powders). If combined carbs will be used first as a source of energy and protein will be stored as lean mass, you would have to consume large amounts of protein to have it stored as fat. Think of it this way, in a…
  • Join a gym, I moved five years ago and that was my way to keep my sanity while staying in shape. If you live in an apartment building ask people what they do for fun, you will be surprised with how many invites to activities you will get. If you join agym make sure it offers classes where you can meet new people, it's…
  • I have a feeling you might be over training, usually our bodies tend to retain water when we overtrain but also for your weight you can a little more. Try increasing your food to 1600 calorie intake and see how that works. You may also want to take some rest days from training so your body can recover, I sometimes do 2on,…
  • Have you lost weight? You should definitely increase your intensity, you may not feel as sore if you drink a lot of water but you should be able to feel like you worked out yesterday..Muscle soreness lasts up to 72 hours and the best cure is to go back in the gym and drink lots of water..Good luck!
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