

  • From December 27th 2010 to April 27th, 2011, I lost 23 pounds (some before I joined here). I've gained three back since my vacation in May from muscle gain.
  • From December 27th 2010 to April 27th, 2011, I lost 23 pounds (some before I joined here). I've gained three back since my vacation in May from muscle gain.
  • Hi! I'm 5'0" and started at 188. I'm currently fluctuating from doing the 30DS. :)
  • In a word: yes. But you CAN do it. I'm notoriously lazy about workout DVDs-I use them once and then am eternally bored-but I've made myself do this one multiple days in a row. (Really, this is amazing; I've been trying to use workout DVDs without success for about seven years.) It gets easier the more you do it. And you…
  • Hello, all! This thread put the idea in my head to check out the shred, then I talked myself out of it. Then fate stepped in at Target when I saw a lone copy of the 30 Day Shred DVD sitting on a shelf. So I grabbed it and some 2lb hand weights (that my dog thought were really heavy bones and kept trying to drag off) and…
  • I'm right there with you. It doesn't help that I work at a company that calibrates and sells industrial scales, and we're invited to use on in the calibration room whenever we want. That's how I've become obsessed with monitoring fluctuation, and it has become obvious that it will never really settle down--women retain…
  • Hi! I'm Lacy. My goal is to lose half of my entire goal weight by the end of summer (30lb) and to lose at least half, but more hopefully 2/3 of that by May 2, when my family is taking me to Disney World for my 27th birthday. When I did an internship with Disney in Florida in Fall 2006, I weighed about 150. Now I'm 183,…
  • That's awesome! Inspires me to do the same thing!
  • So, if cost restrictions forced me to choose either between a Tanita that does not measure BF% and a Health O Meter one that does, which is the better pick? I'm reading on some consumer reports that the BF% isn't completely accurate, either.
  • Thanks, everyone! Mine is a Taylor, I got it because it was reasonably priced. I'm going to look into the Tanita!
  • 5'0"! And way over the "healthy weight limit" at 184. But that's down from the 192 I weighed at Christmas!
  • I've had no luck with true "dieting" in the past. Trying to cut out all the good things, eat like a bird, cut all carbs, all that. It never works for me. So now I'm just on a reduced calorie plan. Maybe this is a really bad idea, but it means if I'm hanging out with my boyfriend, who eats all kinds of horrible delicious…
  • 1. Green Giant Frozen Vegetables (I like the "Heart Healthy" or "Vision" sorts. What they help matters little, I go for the veggies I like.) Other veggies I buy are: stir fry mixes, lima beans, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers. Mmmmmmmm. 2. Lean meat: sirloin, pork loin, organic chicken (usually has less fat on the meat). 3.…
  • I know what you mean. I find this to be my own issue with "wasting money" when I go out to eat. So now I'm thinking differently. I save half for lunch the next day, which saves more money and helps cut calories. I've never done so before, but I know restaurants are willing to serve you half and box up the other half before…
  • Cooking with cream. That's going to be hard, being a foodie. And pizza, which for me means no sauce but a TON of cheese. (Which I cheated with yesterday. A lot.) I guess I don't really feel like I'm giving up that much otherwise. But that could be because I refuse to completely give up Coke Zero.
  • Go for dark chocolate, which has heart healthy anti-oxidants. Or just a few Hershey's kisses, which don't have a hugely alarming amount of calories. I keep them on hand for a small snack.
  • Thanks for the add, ladies! As I try to figure out all the intricacies of this site (not to mention the diet) having some support would be awesome! It's definitely nice to have a goal to work toward. :)
  • I read somewhere (I believe in the Eat This, Not That book) that sake has the lowest calorie count of all alcohols. Something like 25 calories per ounce. I'd go with a red wine if sake is unavailable, since that's a good choice for heart health. Everything in moderation!