Thank you all for your advice and opinion, this morning I woke up and thought to myself not to worry about any of the numbers, including my weight numbers on the scale. Just put my energy into the workout, do the time, and enjoy the fact I am living a better healthier life. Thank you all!
that may be where the difference is the heart rate, level, and time all have to be calculated.. I wonder if MFP is looking at my age and time on the machine.. etc but it does not calculate the speed.. etc.. because on an elliptical the steps are counted which total up the distance.. maybe that's where I should get my…
So true it's almost like a kind of AA.. lol God give me the strength.. etc..
Thank you Patty, I strongly believe the excercise will be the easy part, BUT the nutrition part I am going to have to change my whole mindset on snack, grocery shopping, and menu idea's.. Thank you for the encouragement! Kevin
I just joined, and I am working out at La Fittness. I am concerned about my weight and plan on losing at least 40 lbs.. Congrats that you have lost so much weight, you family will love you for it.. Kevin
I from MN, north town area, and workout at La Fittness .. Add me ................. all Kevin
Thank you for your encouragement, my next step is to get my nutrition under control. I ate that my family is always cooking so much yummy food.. especially the fried potatoes and onions yesterday. Kevin