Type II Diabetes

Hey I am new to fitnesspal, I found out I have Type II Diabetes. Soon I will be getting better information on what groceries to purchase.. etc

I look forward to working out at La Fittness in NorthTown MN



  • beatlebomb
    Hi Kevin: Sorry to hear you have Diabetes but if you listen to your doctor and your diabetic nutritionist you can slow this down and hopefully you won't need meds. Exercise and carb control is so very important. Good luck with everything.
  • kevinlovesfishing
    Thank you for your encouragement, my next step is to get my nutrition under control. I ate that my family is always cooking so much yummy food.. especially the fried potatoes and onions yesterday.

  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Kevin,

    My mom also has diabetes. She found out about 2 years ago. She actually had went in to get her eyes checked and that doctor is the one that noticed something at that appointment and sent her to another doctor to get tested. And sure enought she had it. They actually told her that she has had it for at least 6 years. She decided right then and there she was going to get healthy. She cut out all junk food, is mindeful of how many carbs she eats and also joined crossfit (3 times a week). She was able to get off the diabetes medication all together.

    Just wanted to give you some encouragement that you are in control of your body and you can control your diabetes with some effort both in the dutrition department and the excercise department. You can do it! Just by seeing my mom go thru what she has I can tell she is much happier not having to take that medicine and also because she is healthier overall.

  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    if you listen to your ... diabetic nutritionist you can slow this down and hopefully you won't need meds.

    I'm not saying _don't_ listen to them... But you need to own this yourself. They won't suffer the results.

    I've found that you need to shop around for a decent one. The ones I've seen (it's been a few years - maybe they got better) keep trying to sell me on this diet where I could have 75 carbs per meal (!) and I guess the plan was to medicate me to the point where this was ok. This plan actually made my numbers MUCH worse - cutting WAY back on carbs got me in control.

    So, own it yourself. Monitor regularly. _You_ are in control of your numbers.

    And don't get down about it. It's a pretty freaking shocking thing to hear - but you can totally control it with a bit of effort (and it's stuff you really should have been doing anyway (eat right, exercise, etc)).
  • kevinlovesfishing

    Just wanted to give you some encouragement that you are in control of your body and you can control your diabetes with some effort both in the dutrition department and the excercise department.

    Thank you Patty, I strongly believe the excercise will be the easy part, BUT the nutrition part I am going to have to change my whole mindset on snack, grocery shopping, and menu idea's..

    Thank you for the encouragement!

  • kevinlovesfishing

    So, own it yourself. Monitor regularly. _You_ are in control of your numbers.

    but you can totally control it with a bit of effort (and it's stuff you really should have been doing anyway (eat right, exercise, etc)).

    So true it's almost like a kind of AA.. lol God give me the strength.. etc..