

  • I know I posted but I forgot POP TARTS !!! I love them . hot or cold ...
  • I am a sucker for .. Ice cream ( of any kind) Dark chocolate Gummy Bears ( Truth is, any and all gummies ) French bread Chips & salsa
  • I understand how you feel , I to have been having a hard time . I blame the winter months for my extra pounds , hahaha just kidding. I know it is all me , I know every choice I made was mine. I was feeling in the dumps about the 10 pounds I had gained back so I needed a little kick start to help me out. I did a WHITE OUT…
  • great job !!!!
  • Well said my friend :) I to allow myself to enjoy a "store bought " coffee. I brew my coffee at home everyday. It is better in two ways. I save $ and Cal/carb/fat.. But like MOST I love to go out with a friend and enjoy a cup of coffee. I just know that I'll have a nice salad and water with Lemon for lunch. I am ok with…
  • I think you need to do what is best for you. You know your body. Eat till you are full , not stuffed. Eat 6 small meals aday. drink your water, do your exercise. The point is to burn Calories to lose the weight. So you don't have to eat them all back. Example : Biggest loser women eat 1200-1800 cal a day and burn…
  • I 2 am having a hard time eating all the calories.. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also have 2 snacks a day and drink all 8 glasses of water. sometimes I just can't fit anymore in me. I eat till I am full. I don't over due it.
  • I didn't see it having more calories? Maybe because the only one I have seen on the shelf is the weight management. I do it for the less amount of sugar in it. [/quote] Where do you shop? Target is a great place to look. Walmart even has their own brand of sugar free Maple and Brown sugar oatmeal, It's yummy. I also buy…
  • Weight management oatmeal has more cal, carb, and fat than the regular banana bread oatmeal. the only good extra is the fiber u get
  • scramble 2 egg whites, split in to 2 lettuce leaves, top with 1 teaspoon of salsa, 1 teaspoon plain non fat greek yogurt on each wrap.. roll and eat. super easy and yummy. I am a mom of a 16month and I also need fast and easy. Oatmeal with slivered almonds , blueberries, and fat free milk or almond milk is also a good…