Jessmahka Member


  • I'm finishing my first month of Turbo Fire tomorrow and I love it so far. HIIT workouts mean High Intensity Interval Training. It just means you do a routine in 1-1:30 minutes as hard as you can and then rest for a minute. The routine is then repeated for a second or maybe a third time and then you'll move onto a new…
  • A gym membership is something that is not currently in my budget, so I am working out at home. I am currently finishing my first month of Turbo Fire (last day is tomorrow). I've also tried out Insanity and Brazil Butt Lift. I enjoy working out at home much more, I feel that I am getting more than my money's worth with the…
  • Hey guys! My whole life I've been chunky, not fat, but probably around 10-20 pounds overweight (which is quite noticeable on me as I stand at 5'1). Not only that, but I was extremely large chested (my bra size was a 34G, which is insane on such a small frame). I was never comfortable in my own skin, I always covered up and…
  • What does being a team captain entail?!?
  • This challenge sounds really interesting! I'd love to take part!