

  • Kayzia, Thank you for posting, your message is inspiring me. You're right that I should still log my food even when I didn't have a great eating day. I often skip the bad days in an effort not to get down on myself. But that is probably just what I need so that I can see how much better I feel when I am sticking to my…
  • Ditto! Who needs real pants when yoga pants offer you everything you need? Comfort, flexibility, always prepared for work out, doesn't matter if the little one makes a mess on them....they are a fool proof way to Mommy dress...haha
  • AMEN to that!!
  • I used seltzer water...it's a great alternative to soda. No calories and the crystal light makes it taste like a flavored soda! This was my staple drink the first time I ever dieted and I still live by it. Suprisingly I was never a seltzer drinker. I always hated the taste. But when mixed with Crystal Light it's very…