

  • Congratulations. I like your idea of a mini goal. I am going to set one for myself this week and for the next 4 weeks.
  • I am new at this so I don't really know what to do to befriend you. I would If I knew how.
  • Count me in:smile: I just found the fitness pal site yesterday. Is there a particular "place" I can look to always find the group? Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right!
  • Count me in:smile: I just found the fitness pal site yesterday. Is there a particular "place" I can look to always find the group?
  • Hi! Lost count of how many times I have started a diet. But, now I know I really need to lose the weight. It is not just for appearances but for my health. I need to do this successfully. I have tried working with organized groups but never by just going on line and working with the programs and plans online. I think I can…