

  • introducing myself and saying thanks for the invite to the group... south broadripple here.. train on my own for now got treadmills and my own universal weight machine in my place ..run 4 days a week atleast a mile no less and mix up cardio and lifting 4 days a week ... also love my hydroxycut and my censor .... great…
  • im wondering more about this myself ....
  • i mean i totally agree with all major work outs work the core .. no doubt there i was talking about purely isolating the abs in a routine ,,, i keep hearing planks planks planks .. but i just dont feel much from them
  • squats and such for ab work out ??? now thats news to me .... :huh:
  • yes the resistance bands do have some good points .. be careful using them they hurt if they slip and swat ya ... but as far as being a cheaper alternative and adding light resistance to anything normal id say buy ya some ..
  • ive heard mounds and mounds of good stuff from zumba ... to bad i got really weird looks as a guy trying to walk into the class lol so i just went back to my personal routine :)
  • and to add i also use supplements .. im currently on hydroxycut elite as well as censor with tonalin ... been on it now for a week and half and i have noticed the extra boost .. but i used to use alot of supplements in the past as well ..
  • thanks for the grim reminder of the dreaded diet .. ive completly cut out fast food and my diet now consists of my old routine of tons of tuna ..salads.. a steak from time to time .. and just all around cutting way back .. before even finding this site my weight was around 225 .. ive since dropped down to 215.. and on my…