

  • He is right. One word to google - GLUCONEOGENESIS This is why a keto diet is a more effective means of weight loss for the same calorie deficit. It take more energy to create the glucose the brain needs
  • I have read the same thing however my own experience was different. I did 3 months of low carb for an 18 kg loss. I have now transitioned off "Atkins" induction (20g carbs per day) to a 150g average. During induction I found that a typical 900 calorie daily deficit (after accounting for basal metabolic rate and additional…
  • LOL:laugh:
    in Potassium Comment by otyas June 2013
  • I think that if you are eating a balanced diet, a slight potassium deficiency day to day won't be problematic. Most people cant reach the recommended dietary intake and supplements are controlled due to the risks associated with ingesting too much. It can kill you. If you are on a low carb diet and in ketosis however, you…
    in Potassium Comment by otyas June 2013