michellejm1968 Member


  • ROFL - some funny *kitten* - Who knew you could get so much mileage from Bananas? :laugh:
  • Phenominal!!! You look wonderful! & I bet u feel so much healthier too! Very motivational- thanks for sharing!
  • Well done .. you have done amazingly & look glowing!
  • Hi all .. Been doing this since Jan and loving the support. Have good days and bad days but 18lb down & def feeling healthier. Trying to do it slow it and steady as done too much yo-yoing in my life! Got quite a good group of friends on here but sadly quite a few people I started off with have given up and left the site.…
  • Hi all .. Been doing this since Jan and loving the support. Have good days and bad days but 17lb down & def feeling healthier. Trying to do it slow it and steady as done too much yo-yoing in my life! Got quite a good group of friends on here but sadly quite a few people I started off with have given up and left the site.…
  • Nope Most people: all good in moderation a few people: butthurt whine whine that might work for you on your calorie allowance, but it won't work for me a few people: would rather have veggies. veggies =/= poptarts. one person: pop tarts = illegal drugs and smoking. [/quote] Lol - this is such a good summary ... it made me…
  • This was an inspirational story even without the added element of your recent illness! You look amazing and are obviously so much fitter. I am sure that being in such good shape will have helped you cope with the surgery and recover so much quicker. Good luck for the future - I hope you can get back driving and working out…
  • For the record I think you looked pretty before your weight/fat loss but you do look stronger, fitter & leaner now. Well done on such an amazing transformation and thanks for the inspirational post. I also want to beat the yo-yo dieting for good & am focused on becoming fitter and healthier so I will be around for my…
  • You look great .. well done & I love your attidude to the stretch marks ... everyone brought you your precious boys so u gotta love 'em! Have u tried bio oil or any other products? It can really help minimise scars or stetch marks (not that you need it ... I think you look fab anyway).
  • You should be so proud of yourself - I tried (& failed) to stop smoking many, many times & gained weight each time. I finally managed it at the age of 35 & subsequently ballooned to 15st (210lbs) which was ridiculous for only 5ft tall. I wish I could have stopped at your age and put a stop to my weight gain once and for…
  • Very funny .. Could spend hours on here reading blogs etc. Oh the irony ......
  • Have no idea but I am a similar weight to you and just checked what I would have burned for an hours circuit training (which seems similar to the type of exercises you described). My app said 685 cals. Hope that helps. Eitherway, you've done a brilliant workout and it will certainly help.
  • You look fantastic. What an inspirational post!