App Broken

My app isn't working well today on any of the tracking features, ie food or exercise.

I had my most strenuous workout today and have no idea how many calories anyone can estimate. I did the following with a trainer who kept me moving and on track. They were completed in an hour only my body weight (200lbs) for resistance for the planks and squats.

half Ball balancing push ups. 3 sets of squats. 2 sets of one leg at a time squats. shoulder pulls 2 sets. rows 2 sets. planks. one row at a time 2 sets. dead lift 1. unsure how many calories it is but it felt like triple a treadmill walk...I was drenched in sweat 10 minutes into it and just kept sweating, and huffing/puffing and sometime trembling to hold the poses. Any ideas how many calories that might be?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Your best bet would be to invest in an HRM so you can accurately track those burns.
  • michellejm1968
    michellejm1968 Posts: 14 Member
    Have no idea but I am a similar weight to you and just checked what I would have burned for an hours circuit training (which seems similar to the type of exercises you described). My app said 685 cals. Hope that helps. Eitherway, you've done a brilliant workout and it will certainly help.