

  • Your low blood sugar is coming from not eating enough. You just need to be eating more- low blood sugar can be quite bad for you. The brain's major (essentially only) nutrient source is glucose (sugar), so it makes sense that if you are keeping yourself constantly hypoglycaemic then your brain will be starved of nutrients…
  • I for one love running/walking in the dark- I'm generally at my most inspired after midnight. I lie in an inner city area, and have never had any trouble. As long as you are vaguely intelligent about it (stick to well lit areas, avoid parks etc) it should be fine. I think the danger of going out at night is overestimated…
  • sun dried tomato, lettuce, danish fetta and avocado. Seems like a weird combo, but it works!
    in Sushi Comment by jadeband March 2010
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