Running before sun-up?

lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
If this posts twice, I apologize, but I typed this out and it didn't seem to post on my end.

Anyway, as of 6 a.m. my day begins to revolve around everyone else. Wanted to get a run in beforehand, but sun does not rise until 7 a.m. I live in a safe neighborhood, but is anyone safe running in the dark? So I wanted to hear any suggestions that you avid runners may have for those of you who run outside and try to get it done before the rest of your day begins.

Thanks :)


  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    I personally would feel safe from people problems in my area, but I would wear a hi-vis vest or something white with reflectors on it because car drivers at that time of the day are not always switched on and would provide my highest danger.
  • bigdawg62
    bigdawg62 Posts: 127 Member
    I live in a rural area in which there are very few street lights but I still run quite frequently in the dark. Early morning is best. I run with a flouresent orange safety vest on and a headlamp. You can purchase very small headlamps that can be worn on your head at walmart . I run facing traffic and usually when I see a car coming I can easily move to the other side of the road. I might see 6-7 cars during the course of a 8 mile run.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Thanks guys! I guess I was more nervous being a woman. But I went and did it anyway. Only did the main drag where there was actually traffic and streetlights with sidewalks. If there were no lights on one side of the street, I switched to the other. Did okay until a tree jumped out in front of me and almost took out my eye. What's the saying? "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye...and then it's a sport"

    Have a great run!
  • jadeband
    jadeband Posts: 3
    I for one love running/walking in the dark- I'm generally at my most inspired after midnight. I lie in an inner city area, and have never had any trouble. As long as you are vaguely intelligent about it (stick to well lit areas, avoid parks etc) it should be fine. I think the danger of going out at night is overestimated in most neighbourhoods (of course you will be a better judge of your own suburb). At 6am you'll probably see other keen beans getting an early morning run in as well!
    Gotta agree with the post above about watching out for cars. A sleepy just-woken-up driver is a dangerous driver
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Certainly I understand that running early before the sun is up is a concern for women runners but at least where I live I don't recall hearing about any being accosted. I think as long as you choose an area such as you decribed, well lit and traffic present, you shouldn't have a problem. I'd think the areas that could be dangerous would be running a park trail that took you too far from the beaten path. You could also invest in pepper spray to carry with you. I have several female running friends that do that and while none of them have ever had a need to use it, it does provide peace of mind.
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    I used to run in the morning (between 4:30 and 5:30 am) and enjoyed the cool temps in the summer time. Now, I run in the evening. Right now, its working for me better. However, by the time I get out there, it's getting dark.

    I always wear light /reflective clothing, or a vest if it gets near twilight time. There is more traffic by the time I get out of the house. Plus, there's more people out on the street. Even though I live in a rather out of the way, and safe neighborhood, I still got to watch out.

    If it makes you feel more secure, have you thought about carrying mace? I don't blame you for wanting to care for your safety--not just from cars! I live out in the country and I have to think about wild dogs and stuff; coyotes are bad around here at certain times of the year.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I currently run at about 4:45am and will soon be pushing it earlier (I live in AZ - by May, if I don't run before the sun comes up, the heat will be too much with the sun). I second (or possibly third) - light colored, reflective clothes, reflective vest if possible. I wear a white headlamp on the blink setting and I wear a flashing red arm band that points to the back. I also run with at least one of my dogs - both for her exercise and my safety. My biggest health risk when running in the mornings? Right hand turn people coming out of parking lots and side streets onto the well-lit main street I run on - just be aware that if they're turning right, they're not always looking left!

    Also - if possible, I would recommend that you use the sidewalks. I know it's a pain and it's not as nice on your knees but unless there isn't a sidewalk, it's really safer in a city-ish area when the cars aren't looking for you.
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