whatjesseats Member


  • If you really want to buy now, and the retailer has a good return policy, buy 2 sizes--your current size and a half size smaller. When you get closer to the date you can return the one you don't need. Your feet may shrink, or they may not. Personally I'm down one full shoe size after losing more than 50 pounds.
  • I sign up for races and find a training plan -- I love running but this is the only way I do it consistently.
  • I used to not like veggies. At least, I thought I didn't like veggies. Turns out I didn't like the way my parents prepared them, or I didn't like the idea of them. I opened my mind to veggies and new ways of preparing them when I made the decision to get healthy. At first, I did best with veggies mixed into something --…
  • Steak and eggs with sweet potato hash Paleo bolognese over julienned zucchini and yellow squash Slow cooker pulled pork (in an omelet, over cauli rice, in a lettuce wrap, any way really)
  • No, I don't use "diet" foods. I'd rather have a little bit of full-fat cheese than a pound of the low-fat stuff.
  • I'm doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox right now because I really struggle with moderation when it comes to sweets. My diary is open to friends.
  • Fried eggs and some sort of green veg.
  • My boyfriend and I typically sign up for the same events. We hang out together at the starting line until it's time to get in place, then he moves closer to the front. We don't run together because he's much faster than I am and I want him to be able to run his race. Depending on the parking situation, sometimes he's run…
  • I post pics of my meals here: http://whatjesseats.tumblr.com/
  • Yes, you are too picky. The only portable non-meat, low-carb, high-protein paleo snack I can think of that you would eat is hard-boiled eggs. Make a dozen or so on Sunday and snack on them all week.
  • I make a similar recipe with almond butter and about half or a quarter that amount of raw honey. Last batch I made I used an ice cube tray and got 13 pieces. I'm also a fan of paleOMG apple cinnamon muffins.
  • In a perfect world, you would already know what types and how much food you should eat before a race, because you would have practiced. Only you know how your body will react to different meals, and you can only find that out by testing it. If you want to continue running 5k races I strongly suggest you experiment with…
  • It would be very difficult to get the macro- and micro-nutrients your body needs when eating such small amounts. Once in a while won't hurt, but you definitely don't want to make it a habit. I make a paleo trail mix with walnuts, sunflower seeds, currants and/or raisins, and unsweetened coconut -- its a great sweet treat.…
  • Hi brenbrenm, Slip-ups happen. Now you have to decide what to do next. You may want to try something like a Whole30 to help break you of some of your old habits and cravings. One thing that has really helped me so far (I'm less than 2 weeks into this!) was cleaning out and re-organizing my fridge and pantry. We weren't…
  • I had a great green smoothie for breakfast yesterday: 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup kale 1 kiwi, peeled 1 cup frozen strawberries a few frozen blueberries (maybe 5 of them?) handful of ice cubes
  • I agree that you should bump up your caloric intake, especially if you're doing any exercise. That said, what you're going through is pretty typical with people switching to paleo/primal. See the Whole30 timeline for more info: http://whole9life.com/2012/06/the-whole30-timeline/
  • I don't think it's so bad, compared to other fruits (except for berries). Sugar per 100g fruit (according to http://nutritiondata.self.com/)-- watermelon: 6g cantaloupe: 8g kiwi: 9g orange: 9g apple: 10g banana: 12g
  • I get it freshly ground from my grocery store (Earth Fare), and dry-roasted almonds are the only ingredient. Whole Foods has it in the bulk section as well.
  • Last weekend was tough as we had an out-of-town guest and ended up dining out quite a bit due to all the running around we were doing. I indulged in sweet potato fries (possibly paleo but likely dipped in corn starch and fried in peanut oil) but otherwise think I did quite well despite the poor planning. I made zucchini…
  • I don't have any ideas about your diary but thought I'd share this Whole30 timeline, which explains the different phases you're likely to go through on a Whole30--according to this, what you're experiencing is totally normal. http://whole9life.com/2012/06/the-whole30-timeline/
  • I just started eating paleo on June 1 and I'm not including any dark chocolate into my diet at this point, which for me is easier than limiting the quantity. I eat a little almond butter almost every day, but I'm not tempted to over-eat it the way I used to be with peanut butter. Switching to this new way of eating is…
  • Grilled Fish Platter sounds good to me! Depending on how strict you're wanting to stay, I'd ask about the oils they use in their apps, dips, and salad dressings. In my experience, vegetable oil is very common for all of these things. I'm running a 5k tonight sponsored by a local craft brewery. My race bib gets me 2 free…
  • http://whatjesseats.tumblr.com/ That's me! It's my secondary blog dedicated to my meals.
  • I would add finely diced red onion, celery, a sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Fry away! Just make sure your food is fried in paleo-friendly fat, such as coconut oil.
  • I don't have a recipe for you, but I'm guessing you had the heat too high and/or made your pancakes too large. Not sure what kind of pan you're using, but you might want to think about upgrading that. I've got a couple Calphalon non-stick skillets that are head and shoulders above any other "non-stick" pan I'd used before.
  • I googled your hometown listed on your profile and found this option, which seems pretty reasonable: http://www.anoka.k12.mn.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=297752&linkid=nav-menu-container-4-382879 I do think swimming may be your best bet. If the pool is out, what about a nearby lake or…
  • Yes, I generally eat them raw--sliced on top of a burger, diced in just about any kind of salad, or mashed with a bit of sea salt and pepper (I did this yesterday using the skin as a sort of bowl) to be used as a dip for veggies.
  • Day 3--how's everyone doing so far? This is tough! I was starting to feel a little crazy last night -- I had a craving for Diet Coke, even though it's been well over a year since I last drank soda! I baked a batch of paleo muffins (recipe here: http://paleomg.com/apple-cinnamon-muffins/) to satisfy my sweet tooth. They…
  • Spicy chicken egg cups (mixture of egg, shredded chicken, hot sauce, & scallions baked in muffin tin) with fresh blueberries.