

  • Thank you all.....should I weight until I am down a few lbs FIRST and than do it?
  • Amazing story!!!!! You look amazing and should be so proud of yourself
  • Thank you... I couldn't find the group however I did add you
  • I tried this a while back and honestly gave up bc I was gaining weight, so the scale said and I got frustrated!!! I would like to try this again but I don't want to gain weight. Also are u supposed to do 30 days straight through with no breaks? I see fantastic results with everyone ..... Any friendly advise????
  • I tried this DVD and I found that I gained weight???? Why? Also are you supposed to do 30 days in a row or take a break? Seeing results makes me want to Try again but I don't want to gain lbs
  • Winks sugar free jello - 5 calories each - 94% fat free popcorn - it's 15 cal per cup but loaded with sodium - drinks lots of water
  • Any ideas would be great please.......would u mind in boxing me please....thank you in advance!!!
  • fantastic video and you look wonderful!!!! keep up the great work!
  • I am soooo in - keeping searching for others my size - I'm 4'11" 124 - 125 lbs - I'd like to lose another 10 lbs. soooooooooo i just lost 4 lbs and WHAT A DIFFERENCE i see and feel - little bit of weight for little people is HUGE!!!!!!
  • what is the HCG diet drops? Ive never heard of them? what do you do?
    in HCG diet Comment by shug458 May 2011
  • I will admit that my food choices this week haven't been the smartest - but I am definatly always under my calories - the problem is if I eat 1200 or more calories I gain weight - I know for a lot of people eating more works but not me for some reason. I swear if I look at food I gain weight. Better food choices starting…
  • I just looked at your photo's -you are stunning! Do not fret over numbers - Looking at you I would honestly say a size 6 - again it's just a number - you look great! Keep up the good work and don't worry too much about numbers (which I know is hard) -
  • not success just yet - but we shall soon see - pushing right now :)
  • thanks everyone!!!!! I am not going to "weigh in" until level 1 is complete - 10 days BUT i did cheat last night and hoped on the scale (yes I said at night) LMAO and said down 2 lbs BUT not counting it - have to wait until the morning of the 11th day - :) let's hope this hard work is paying off
  • my husband bought my one at CVS the watch and as excited as I was about it - it's awful - i'm doing the 30 day shred and it tells me I only burn 33 calories - ummmm i think NOT but we also don't have a lot of money to spend so Im dealing!
  • congratulations! that is awsome and has got to feel like an incredible accomplishment! keep up the great work
  • Wish I could afford it - I guess in a way after last night it stopped bothering me so much about how many calories I burned. I don't eat my exercise calories anyway and as long as I am exercising and pushing myself, I am happy with that. Trust me when I say, when I have a little extra money I may go for the chest strap…
  • got through day 3 :) thanks to everyone I pushed through the sore ness and it actually felt good to move like that - took my soreness away TEMPORARILY :laugh: Very proud of myself though that I pushed through it - I am totally determined this time - NO GIVING UP FOR ME - NOT THIS TIME:blushing:
  • my whole body hurts - it's funny b/c my abs are very sore (even including my lower belly) and I laughed and said to my husband - didn't think I had abs LOL I didn't think my whole body would hurt - this is crazy :laugh:
  • OH another question - anyone gaining weight at first doing the 30DS????????????
  • thanks everyone - Day 3 coming up in 1 1/2 hours - sore or not GOTTA GET THROUGH THIS!!!!!!!!
  • thanks so much everyone :) this really helped :) Yes I took my measurements Friday morning b/c I tracked my DVD in the mail and knew it was coming Friday night (which is when I started). I will take my measurements after level 1 is done (10 days) - Im doing day 3 tonight after my boys go to bed tonight but I am…
  • thanks :) Gonna stay focused b/c that has always been my problem (which I will admit out loud this time) LMAO When I don't see results that I want quickly I completely give up. Had it not been for MFP honestly I would have thrown the DVD out already - yes after 2 days - weight gain and me DO NOT play nicely :laugh: thanks…
  • LMAO - thank you - I guess I need to hear this from people on here - My husband thinks Im nuts and have this ungodly obsession. I just want to make sure I am not doing this for 30 days bc I have ALL intenstions of sticking with it - but I don't want to gain like 10 lbs - I'm 4'11 and 127lbs and although that is not alot…
  • so everytime I change the exercise I should touch the part of the watch where it give the heart rate??? hmmmm never thought of that - If I can walk today LOL I will try it tonight
  • no beta blockers for me - thats not too personal LOL no worries
  • unfortuantly I can't afford the more expensive HRM - :(
  • no I didn't touch the HR part - now when I was sititng down doing nothing at all it said my HR was 86 - isn't that awfully low?
  • wet the band????? it's the watch one - I just asked him and he said he put in all my stats 4'11" 30 yr old female 127lbs