Sounds like a fab idea! :-)
I agree! My food bill has gone up too, as my partner and I are now eating a lot more fresh fruit and veg - which is pricey wherever you buy it from! We do tend to buy a lot of frozen veg as cheaper and lasts longer, but substituting fruit for my usual snacks of chocolate and crisps is proving to be a LOT more expensive! It…
Maybe see if there is a class timetable? I love it when I get free passes to try out new gyms cos there's always lots of fun new classes to try out - whether it's traditional aerobics or step, zumba, boxercise, or kettlebells or spinning!! Variety is the spice of life as they say :-)
I'm in! I bought the dvd last year and only did it once! :-S It's going to be tough, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger! Btw I'm new on here and would welcome any friend requests from like minded ladies! :-) I'm slowly getting to grips with this MPF lark, but 2 weeks in and already struggling to stay…