Neintical, at least you lost 2lbs! It must be our body types. Were you quite athletic during puberty? I was, and I think that's what set my body standard somehow. If we build muscles we'll have no trouble I guess, but it's the motivation to work out for me that is stalling my progress!
Moglovesshoez, thanks. I will have a look at some workouts. I have the weights already so will give it a shot. I love avocados too, good fats, but high cals... Thank you. EDollah, that's really interesting! Maybe I shouldn't focus on BFP at all, as it's quite disheartening to think I've increased it when trying to eat…
For anyone's interest, I have now made my food diary public.
Ok, so strength training is really the key thing here. I used the Jillian Michaels Shred routine, but to be honest, after a month I didn't enjoy it so much. I will have a look at some HIIT strength workouts. Thanks guys!
Not a caliper! I would probably find that too distressing ;)
Hi Melanie, I have used the Boots Chemist machine to measure body fat each time. I did strength training for a month but it made me light headed. I should probably start again. Thanks for your reply.
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