WoW! Nice job!
You are a beautiful young lady with so much to look forward to.......keep up the good work!
- a robot. Take baby steps...just tell yourself that you are going to get to the gym and do "something"..."anything" for 30 minutes or that your are just going to do a light cardio and burn 200 calories. But have a small goal in mind. This is what I tell myself and I always end up getting a killer workout because…
Hi! I've dieted all my life and I'm mid-50's. They all seem to work as long as you stick to them f-o-r-e-v-e-r! But I've never been able to so up and down my weight goes. It's scary now, because the weight doesn't just drop off like it used to say....15 years ago. I've been using this program the last 10 days. It takes…