lcostigan Member


  • Or, as the models say, 5'12" :-)
  • @Jenbit... Leggy is a good thing! ^ ^
  • I'm 6'4" and my 17 year old son is just about to pass me up... (eye to eye right now!) But, honestly, I love being tall. My wife is 5'10" and she was captain of her HS basketball team.... You might think that our kids would be giants, but so far only one of our 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) has outgrown us (the 17 year…
  • @sofielein Donnie Darko! (Fun stuff!) A guy searches for the killer of his wife, but his memory is damaged and his long term memory is intact only up until just before her death. His short term memory only last for a few minutes. He has to rely on notes and other clues to help him track down the killer. Who can he trust?…
  • Joining MFP is a great start... But you need to really use it. Take advantage of the calorie tracking and be diligent about tracking all of your calories. That will help you to see how much you are bringing in. Then, set a goal of 1 lb or 2 lbs per week and try to keep your diet in line with hitting that goal. If you can…
  • Keep it simple! Eating the same (or similar) stuff before work, or during the week just make life much simpler. I just make sure I have the staples to make these meals and they I don't have to worry or fuss about what to bring or think about where to go and how many calories these 'other' things are. I save that kind of…
  • False. You can start a fire by rapidly rubbing two cool ranch Doritos together for a long period of time.
  • ACV works great for tenderizing pork... Mix in some OJ and maybe some garlic. YUM!!
  • It sounds like your basing this all on your feelings, rather than on reality, so my advise that you not let irrational fears get you down.... Just because you don't 'feel' good enough certainly doesn't mean that you are not good enough. You just need to focus on the positive. Don't let negative thoughts drag you down. It…
  • You guys are insane!! :laugh: I've seen the ads... it looks like a challenging program. My buddy did the P90x and had very good results... Stick with it!!
  • Wow... that brings back the memories... There's nothing like these good ol' PC games that you had to keep a notebook full of maps and notes to even play!! You had to work for your virtual fun back in the day!
  • Before there was Starcraft and World of Warcraft... there was Risk!
  • Great picture!! :-)
  • I'm in... 283.4 this morning.... And dropping!
  • I'm in... 283.4 this morning. Will you be collecting any interim data or just collecting final data and posting a winner in 2 weeks?
  • Just tried Honey Kix recently... Very good mix with Uncle SAM and fresh fruit like blue berries... YUM!
    in Cereal Comment by lcostigan January 2013
  • Awesome! Thanks for posting your success. It's great to see someone use hard work and consistency to turn little goals into a something big! Way to go!!