Anyone else have this issue

Ok so just a question does anyone else have days were they just feel like they are not good enough. Like your spouse or whoever could do better and it makes you scared that one day they meet someone in passing or however and that they may just be tempted to cheat or leave. Maybe I just need some sleep but I could use some imput or maybe some uplifting thoughts


  • lcostigan
    lcostigan Posts: 20 Member
    It sounds like your basing this all on your feelings, rather than on reality, so my advise that you not let irrational fears get you down.... Just because you don't 'feel' good enough certainly doesn't mean that you are not good enough. You just need to focus on the positive. Don't let negative thoughts drag you down. It only leads to a dark place. Better to be positive and optimistic! I'm Christian, so I turn to the Scripture when I get down.... There are plenty of great verses that speak to issues with anxiety. Here's a link to a page with several of them: Scriptures.html

    You're on the right path. Be the best you that you can be. It's really all that you can control. You can do it!!
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    I am also a christian and I know that god is watching over me and helping me the best he can I told god that I would try to be a better person, maybe its just because we have had a lot of stress amongst our families and it been a very rough new year so far I just feel very down on myself today and don't know what to do about it and this damn cold weather is not helping. Thank you for the kind words though its always nice to hear kind words from people
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Everyone has fears and insecurities. Unfortunately, that's just part of life. What really matters is how you allow yourself to react to those fears!

    From looking at your profile, it seems as though you have already have had some success and have a wonderful family. Focus on the positive! I'm obviously at a different point in my life (25, single, no kids)...after going on dates with one loser after the next, it's easy to get to thinking that I'm just meant to be alone! But instead, I like to look at it like I have all the free time in the world to work on myself and do the things that make me happy. Thus the healthy lifestyle and travel! Don't get me wrong...there are days that I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. But focusing on the negativity only allows it to grow.

    So, here's my motivation for you today -

    "A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you"
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    I am usually a very positive person I guess I am just having a very off day, I think that we need to spend some alone time together soon maybe that would help my kids arent little anymore my youngest is almost 10 so that part is not a problem. I am sure that when the time comes you will meet someone who is perfect just for you, obviously all the guys were not good enough for you and that is why it didn't work out. I do feel truely blessed every day to have my kids and my husband maybe it just that fear of loosing something you love so dearly and nothing has happened to make me feel this way and I am sure I will be ok I appreciate the kind words very much
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Anytime =) add me as a friend if you want - we can be each others' positivity!