

  • Six months until wedding month!
  • I am a HUGE believer in morning workouts! I find that it gives me more energy and I am more likely to stay on track with food that day - a great workout in the morning seems to put me in the right healthy mindset for the day! I second laying out your workout clothes and filling your water bottle the night before. I despise…
  • I loved the 30 day shred when I started working out. Do you go to a gym? If so - does it have the les mills classes - body pump, body combat, etc? I do those for cardio / weight lifting and then I run twice a week. Also, the Jillian Michael's "no more trouble zones" DVD is awesome for toning up legs and arms!
  • This thread was just what I needed! I'm getting married September 28, and my first dress fitting is mid April. I want to lose 15 pounds by the big day!
  • I feel like I'm in almost the exact same situation! I want to lose 13 more pounds for my wedding in September - first dress fitting is mid April. The past two weeks my scale hasn't budged, despite "doing all the right things" with calories, nutrition, and working out. I weighed myself this morning and gained .4 pounds…