

  • Sounds great! Isn't that the best feeling? When you are half way through a workout and you just KNOW that you are doing good for yourself? That feeling walking out of the gym or after an activity is one of my favorites :) Hopefully we can help push each other to watch those darn calories! Let's do it!
  • I am in LOVE with INSANITY!! Like everyone else said, if you have no gas to keep up, hit pause, grab water and a breath then keep plugging along! I wore my HR watch and burned the same amount of calories in 35 mins that I do in 60 mins of spinning. INSANE! Keep at it!!
  • Hey! I know you have been doing this for 5 months but I am from Chico, and we are the same age! Cool to see someone else from the area on here! How have your efforts been going? Good I hope! Anyways talk to you soon!