seggera88 Member


  • This happened to me, and I just bought 1 pair of work pants and 1 pair of jeans and was able to get through until I evened out. It was a little weird to wear the same pants all the time but worth not wasting money. Black pants are so generic, most people don't even notice btw.
  • Age: 24 Height/Build: 5'6'' / Athletic -medium-large frame HW: 195+ CW: 156 GW: 150 UGW: 140
  • Its great that you have started! I think that is the hardest part! Getting through the first 3 weeks for me was really tough, I was hungry all the time, but once your body gets used to eating less and moving more you will start to see results, you just need to be honest with yourself and remember to record everything... a…
    in Hi :) Comment by seggera88 April 2013
  • I LOVE Jililan Michaels and her 30 Day Shred! Its so great the videos are free on youtube and I use them to supplement my other workouts so I don't get bored and also use them when I feel like I'm really short on time! Jillian has a "NO BS" attitude and I love that, it has definitely helped me to stay on track! Congrats on…